Thursday, September 11, 2008



I got this CDR in the mail a little while ago from Burial March Tapes and have just had a chance to listen to it now. This is my first exposure to this drone project, though hopefully won’t be my last. It’s short though, just one 16 minute track. Things start off very quiet as a slow low drone sounds and loops from the distance, rising and falling like the slow breath of an old man. This low end drone sticks around for the majority of the track (getting slightly repetitive, aka “The Drone Trap”) while higher pitches fade into the track adding accent to the sombre mood and affecting mine. I must say, the sounds are very well recorded for the first two thirds of the track. Though, as the track progresses, the higher pitched drones start to have more movement and evolve into a constant wave, rising in volume and in result, clipping here and there. A slow almost siren starts ringing warning you of something; very distant at first, then slightly louder, then nothing. A barely audible shatter loops as the low end falls away and the track is concluded with a fade out.

Packaging wise, it’s not as good when compared to the audio contained within. It comes in a green plastic slip with a black and white print job. The paper isn’t really cut with much care, just quickly cut and sloppily folded. The disc itself is a brand CDR with a sharpie title.

Over all, I enjoyed this quite a bit, only complaints being the lazy packaging and the clipping that appears towards the end. I am looking forward to hearing how this project will progress and translate over to a full length. Not a bad start at all.

By Jake Vida

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